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Tax-free shop/Designated by the governor of Kyoto as a traditional craft 免税店/京都府知事指定传统工艺品 京都府指定伝統工芸品/京もの指定工芸品
Kyoto cloisonné enamel Hiromi-Art 京都七寶 Hiromi-Art 京七宝ヒロミ・アート
Production of Shippo and sale, Shippo-Making workshop 七寶的制造以及銷售,釉,物質的,具,七寶的經驗教室 七宝の製造および販売、釉薬・材料の販売、七宝の体験教室

Peter Carl Fabergé (1846–1920) ピーター・カール・ファベルジェ(1846–1920)

Peter Carl Fabergé(1846–1920) Koubou

Peter Carl Faberge stands as a representative of a vanished age: the age of the Czars and the fabulously rich imperial court in Russia. Eggs as symbols of creation and new life have been exchanged at Easter for hundreds of years. The Easter eggs which Faberge produced for the Czars were highly imaginative and ranged from the rather simple first imperial Easter egg to the complex creations of later years. 明治時代の頃、ロシアでは宝飾家ファベルジェが、有名なインペリアル・イースター・エッグを手がけました。 その豪華な卵はロシア皇帝(ツァー)のために製作されました。 エッグの製作においては、貴金属や宝石による装飾と共に、エナメル(七宝)の技法も用いられました。 ステンドグラスのように釉を透かすプリカジュールと呼ばれる技法や、金属胎の表面に彫刻などを施し、そこに透明な釉薬を焼付け胎の模様を透かして見せるバスタイユと呼ばれる技法など、様々な技法が見られます。 初期のエッグは比較的シンプルなものでしたが、後には非常に複雑なデザインのものが作られます。

Jewelry/Ornaments ジュエリー/装飾品


Imperial Easter Egg インペリアル・イースター・エッグ

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Hen Egg(1885)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Resurrection Egg(ca. 1889)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Blue Enamel Ribbed Egg(before 1899)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial spring Flowers Egg(ca. 1890)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Caucasus Egg(1893)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Rosebud Egg(1895)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Monogram Egg(before 1896)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Coronation Egg(1897)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Lilies-of-the-Valley Egg(1898)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Madonna Lily Egg(1899)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Pansy Egg(1899)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Cuckoo Egg(1900)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Trans-Siberian Railway Egg(ca. 1901)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Clover Egg(1902)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Gatchina Palace Egg(ca. 1902)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Gatchina Palace Egg(Open, ca. 1902)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Peter the Great Egg(Open, 1903)
Imperial Easter Egg
ImperialUspensky Cathedral Egg(1904)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Rose Trellis Egg(1907)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Standart Egg(ca. 1909)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Alexander III Equestrian Egg(1910)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Fifteenth-Anniversary Egg(1911)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Czarevich Egg(1912)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Napoleonic Egg(1912)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Romanov Tercentenary Egg(1913)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Mosaic Egg(1914)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Cameo Egg(1914)

Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Red Cross Egg with Resurrection Triptych(1915)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Red Cross Egg with Portraits(1915)
Imperial Easter Egg
Imperial Cross of St.George Egg(1916)

Imperial Easter Egg
Hoof Egg(1890)
Imperial Easter Egg
Silver-gilt and Shaded Enamel Easter Egg(1900)
Imperial Easter Egg
Silver-gilt and Shaded Enamel Easter Egg(1900)

Imperial Easter Egg
Gold and Agate Easter Egg Bonbonniere(1900)
Imperial Easter Egg
Pine Cone Egg(1900)
